R&D of new technologies and products
What are the main drivers for value creation in an aquaculture production? This is a key question to understand and disseminate in an organisation in order to set a strategy and operate a strategy within the whole company.
Salmalytics runs projects on identifying “Drivers for Value Creation” in salmon companies as part of an overall strategy process. Are the main drivers biological, operational or expenditures in mode?
Salmalytics can participate in introducing and establishing a strategy within a company. Why is the strategy important, how do we operate within a strategy, and how do we develop and improve within the set strategy.
Earlier work:
- Aunsmo G., Aunsmo A. 2021. Industry report. Analyse produksjonsdata Aquatraz Eiterfjorden 2021 – produksjon og økonomi. Åpen rapport. https://vov0h40ndw03lvzox17vd51a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2021/12/21-12-analyse-produksjonsdata-aquatraz-eiterfjorden.pdf