Feed monitoring
Feed represents the largest cost area in salmon farming, accounting for 40-50% of total expenditures and 70-80% of the carbon footprint. Monitoring feed in operations provides crucial insights for detecting quality issues, comparing yield, and conducting cost-benefit analyses of producers and products. Decisions on feed often involve significant costs, sometimes reaching billions, and having solid background knowledge enhances the quality of these decisions.
Salmalytics offers advice and monitoring services to validate the nutritional and economic value of feed in commercial salmon farming. Our monitoring is based on feed and fecal samples collected from farming sites, which are analyzed for specific digestible protein (DP) and digestible energy (DE). Additionally, we offer analyses of production data to assess the performance of different feeds and conduct comprehensive cost-benefit analyses of feed products.
Earlier work:
- I. Krontveit, E.A. Bendiksen, A. Aunsmo, 2014. Field monitoring of feed digestibility in Atlantic salmon farming using crude fiber as an inert marker. Aquaculture 426–427: 249–255.
- Aunsmo, R Krontveit, P.S. Valle, J. Bohlin, 2014. Field validation of growth models used in Atlantic salmon farming. Aquaculture 428–429 (2014) 249–257.